Online RSVP System

So I was getting married. It's almost expected that the happy couple will have a website to provide guests with the basic info... wedding date, location, directions, gift registries, and other logistsic info. I, of course, was not happy with the canned wedding websites out there, I wanted to make my own. Another thing about getting married, it's expensive. I won't get into all the ways we saved money on our wedding - but I will say that postage adds up fast. By the time you send save the date cards (we sent postcards) and the formal invitations, spending even more for return RSVP postage seemed... wasteful. Also, the printing for the RSVP cards, also not cheap. There's also the environmental impact. So, we included a business card with the invitation with the RSVP info: a website address and a unique code. I designed the RSVP system using PHP and plain text files, so that it's very easy to update, add people, fix people's mistakes, etc. Here's the code and some very basic instructions: . You're going to need to know something about PHP to be able to make use of this. I'm providing it as-is for the next guy who doesn't want to start from scratch.